Mountain heart
Entering Uintah 2
tall grass uintah
Town Hall 1
baseball field
Train fall



The City Maintains a Cemetery database with these goals:

1. Manage the program and incorporate changes or additions.
2. Keep all cemetery records on the County and State Website updated.
3. Keep all cemetery records on the City Website updated.

All graves were mapped, and pictures of headstones were taken. This information is available online.

Cemetery Goals

1. Promote improvements to cemetery grounds to create a safer, cleaner, and more pleasing environment.

A. Re-stripe the parking stall lines on the south end.
B. Install a retaining wall on the northeast side to prevent slippage.
C. Installing a new shed at the north end with bathroom facilities.
D. Development of a trash management program in the cemetery.

2. Preserve all artifacts, records, monuments, headstones, and grave markers for the benefit of all visitors and future generations.

A. Continue the process of photographic recording of all headstones, monuments, and grave markers.
B. Continue to upgrade computer technology to preserve existing records
3. Promote improvements and expansion to ensure sufficient space will be available for future generations.
4. Review the City’s pricing compared with other communities concerning the fee structure.
5. Establish a budget line item to ensure that cemetery fees are retained yearly to aid in improving the cemetery.

Uintah City Cemetery Burial Data

Cemetary Slideshow

1540 E 6450 S
Uintah, UT 84405

View in Google Maps

41.145983297073, -111.93504325767